Making the workplace safe for everyone
3 August 2021
It had been an extremely challenging year for most workplaces with the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. It has completely changed how companies manage and interact with staff.
For MoneyMax, we used this opportunity to relook into improving our office space to create safer workplaces for our staff. The health and safety of our MoneyMax staff play a more crucial role than ever before. Therefore, sanitizing and maintaining a safe workplace is essential.
Besides ensuring that our office spaces adhere to the Safe Management Measures, we took the extra step into ensuring that our staff has a peace of mind when they come back to the workplace for those who need to.
We emphasized on our cleaning and sanitizing regimes, setting up multiple hand sanitizing stations around the office, and safe distancing markers on floor and table areas. For our essential staff, staggered work schedules, arrival, and lunch times have been put in place to minimize crowds at work and distancing markers of workstations to ensure the safety of the workers.
MoneyMax invested in a large-scale renovation of its headquarter office to create meeting pods to provide a more conducive environment for its employees to have their team discussions. With the social distancing measures in place, the Group introduced larger meeting areas to ensure employees could meet and discuss comfortably. Distancing between workstations was also widened to ensure that our employees were working in a safer environment.
MoneyMax sincerely hopes that all our staff can stay safe and healthy as we cope with the challenges during this pandemic period.